World Wide Wings

World Wide Wings
01 Jul - 31 Jul 2021 12:00 - 21:00Add to Calendar12:0021:00
Please note: the booking for this event is restricted for Child Card holder
Flapping Again this Summer!
Miss the Devil Wings? It's time to cry again!
Come to the Sportsman's Bar throughout the month of July and enjoy 8 different types of chicken wings.
Together with Jugs Offers:
- Gunner (the only cocktail created in Hong Kong): $108 / jug
-Pilsner Urquell (New Tap at the Club):$204/jug
The Second Devil Wing Eating Challenge is to be held on Thursday, 29th July 2021. Check with the bar staff for enrolment details!
Enquiries: 2830 9531 or click here.