Hopping for Hope!

Hopping for Hope!
02 Apr - 06 Apr 2021 12:00 - 15:00Add to Calendar12:0015:00
Please note: the booking for this event is restricted for Child Card holder
Hop on down to the Hong Kong Football Club for a delicious spread and fun activities at the Coffee Shop and some delicious delights to take home from the Kiosk, including our famous hot crossed buns.
Easter set menu is also available in the Restaurant.
Coffee Shop Easter Lunch Buffet
During 2 - 6 April 2021
$268 per adult and $134 per child
The Easter bunny will stop by for a visitor on Sunday, 4th April during lunch time, and there will be fun Kid's Activates during lunch buffet.
Coffee Shop: 2830 9569 or coffeeshop@hkfc.com
Restaurant: 2830 9562 or restaurant@hkfc.com
Kiosk: 2837 2678 or kiosk@hkfc.com