Inter-Club Matches with LRC
Inter-Club Matches with LRC
20 Jan 2023Sunday, 13 November 2022
Our old badminton friends of the Ladies Recreation Club (LRC) were invited and enjoyed exciting moments during the friendly matches with the Badminton Society on 13th November at the HKFC. A total of 23 players from both clubs participated in the official matches.
It was great to see juniors accompanying the seniors and joining the games. We are delighted to see that the badminton tradition continues and flourishes.
With the rejoining of some ex-SPMs, the HKFC was unbeatable and won most of the matches this time.
Both clubs expressed their wishes to arrange similar gatherings with other sports clubs within Hong Kong. We endeavor to encourage all society members engaging in activities organised by the Badminton Society for promoting the sports and friendship with all badminton lovers.