Weather Warning And Extreme Conditions
Typhoon Signal No.8 or above and Extreme Conditions Signal (collectively, the “Signal”):
- If the typhoon signal is hoisted, the Club shall be cleared immediately and closed within 30 minutes
- If the extreme conditions signal is hoisted after Typhoon Signal No. 8 is lowered, the Club will remain closed.
- If the signal is lowered between 5am and 4pm, the Club may reopen approximately two hours at Management's discretion.
- If the signal is lowered between 4pm and 5am, the Club will reopen at 7am.
Black Rainstorm Warning:
- The Club or some of its facilities may be closed.
The Club will send out Notice to Members to inform on any special arrangements that differ from the above stated guidelines.
Management will make the final decision in case of disputes.
- 熱帶氣旋警告懸掛後,本會將立即清場,並安排於30分鐘內關閉。
- 如極端情況於熱帶氣旋警告除下後懸掛,本會將繼續暫停開放。
- 如信號在上午5時至下午4時期間除下,本會管理層將決定是否於2小時後重開。
- 如信號在下午4時至上午5時期間除下,本會將於上午7時重開。
- 本會或部分設施將暫停開放。