Hong Kong Football Club is conscious of the need to care for the environment and recognises that the need to reduce waste to landfill is crucial, so we are taking steps to reduce waste and increase sustainability.
The Club no longer sells any beverages in plastic bottles and has installed filtered water drinking stations around the Club so members and guests can fill up their reusable water bottles. We provide filtered water in all our outlets and only sell recyclable cartons at the Club Shop. In the first year of this initiative 40,000 fewer plastic water bottles were used at the Club.
The Club works with Green Environmental Residue Recycle Limited who collect food waste and covert it to pig or fish feed or plant nutrients.
The Club has also switched from using conventional food packaging to using certified compostable catering takeaway boxes and cutlery made entirely from plastic-free, low-carbon, renewable or recycled materials. The Vegware eco audit calculates that by switching to eco packaging the Club has saved at least 3.1 tonnes of carbon, 1 tonne of virgin material and diverted a potential 2.2 tonnes of packaging from landfill every year.