Coach of the month - Dominic Tsui
Coach of the month - Dominic Tsui
26 Nov 2021Dominic Tsui, lovingly called Coach Dom, is coaching champions at the Swimming and Triathlon Society and shares with us his life and his thoughts on rewards of working hard and preparing for the fairest game.
Who is Dominic Tsui? Please tell us a little about yourself.
“I grew up in Hong Kong and swam with the YMCA team in my teens. I was Interschool Divison 1 Champion and also Hong Kong Junior gold medal winner. I went to school in the UK, got my PhD in Electronic Engineering, before working in finance in London, Tokyo and Hong Kong. I have been a Masters swimmer since 2006, having swum in 6 World Masters Championships in various continents.”
When did you start swimming?
“Started training late at age 13 attending a local secondary school when my PE teacher introduced me to a swimming club.”
What motivated you to become a swimming coach?
“I wanted to improve my swimming, so I got to learn more about coaching and the more I found out, the more I fell in love with the sport. I could be on deck all day watching people swim and thinking what the swimmers could do to swim better.”
Does your family love swimming as well?
“Nope, my boys hated going, but eventually came round to swimming for fitness. So it really is just me being passionate about swimming. But of course, everyone, including friends, is affected by my love for swimming. The swimming or coaching timetable is very unsociable. I am at work when others are not at work. That is first thing in the morning, noon time and after work in the evening. So, I don’t go out much for dinners and socialise as much as I used to.”
What are your most cherished moments as a coach?
“As a coach, seeing my swimmers perform. It is a total thrill to see the hard work swimmers put in turn into measurable results. Seeing them break records, winning races at the world level including Asian Masters and World Champs are very satisfying.”
How does it feel to be married to an Olympian swimmer? Who is the better swimmer?
“It’s great to show her off saying, 'my wife is a 2-time Olympian and she was only 13 years old in her first Olympics and she swam the 200m Butterfly!'. Sandy is faster. But the really good thing about a partner with swimming experience and being also a swim coach is that we understand our work schedule, we wake up similar times, we go home at similar times (more like she waits for me at Football Club). We understand our programmes, we understand the terms in swimming, don’t have to explain what Free IM is or what descending set is. You should see us watching swimming races together, we even enjoy doing that together!”
What advice will you give to new or accomplished athletes?
“Learn to love the sport, to feel the funny medium of water. 'Feel the Water' someone very famous says that too. Enjoy swimming, the best sport ever! As athletes, trust the process, identify your goal, train and achieve. You are rewarded with what you put in, the fairest game.”