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  • Wing Ding 2020

    Wing Ding 2020

    22 Jan 2021

    2019 we had the riots and 2020 we had COVID, both put an end to countless sports and social events. But it seems nothing can stop the annual Wing Ding Charity Squash extravaganza! For the second difficult year in a row, the Wing Ding event took place, albeit in a somewhat socially distanced format. The numbers may have been reduced, the fancy dress side-lined and the manic inter squash court sprints gone, but the Wing Ding spirit and our remembrance of Wing were as strong as ever!

    Down from 182 players in 2019, 100 gallant squashies took to the courts on 21st November and at the time of going to press, raised just over HKD$253,000 for Operation Santa Claus, putting us less than 3% down on last year’s total. At the time, the highest fund-raising event so far for the Charity.

    All the facts and figures are below, but special congratulations to Hailey Wong and Coco Cheung for highest individual points scored, Blade Revolution for winning the entire tournament and SJP Spankers for raising the most donations.

    Click to enlarge photos

    Big Thank You's

    This year really was touch and go right up to the last minute as to whether we would have any event at all. The success of the Tournament has really been achieved through exceptional enthusiasm and exceptional generosity this year and a variety of individuals/bodies deserve a special mention.

    For their Effort
    Every player
    The convenors
    The volunteers
    The Wing Ding committee

    For their Support
    The Club
    The Section

    For their Donations
    Top 3 teams
    SJP Spankers
    HKFC Captains select
    HK Cricket Club

    St. James’s Place Foundation
    Hill Dickinson Hong Kong

    8K plus

    Rajesh Mulchand
    HKFC Squash Section
    Bob Waisyliw
    2 anonymous

    All the Prize Draw Donators

    Special thanks to
    Phil Head for his support in so many areas and his extraordinary marathon 16 sponsored coaching sessions. Dave Murray for inventing the Covid friendly format and pulling it all together when timeframe and logistics meant that he had a far bigger workload than in any other previous year. And finally, Carrie Lam for timing the sporting bans to perfection, allowing players just enough time to get fit enough for the event and then banning sports again just a few days after the big day.

    Players Scores

    Team Name Player 1 (Kit Pts) Total Pts Player 2 (Kit Pts) Total Pts
    Hill Dickinson Swingers Keith Frith 73 Gillem Tulloch 96
    Blade Revolution Andrew Ward 45 Jack Lambert 35
    HKFC Vice Squad Jeff Leung 53 Max Lee 77
    American Club Wilson Chan 67 Gergo Schloser 53
    HK Squash Gear Dick Lau 66 Eric Ho 76
    SJP Spankers Carlos Cornes 119 Wilfred Cheng 86
    HKFC Captains Select Sun Phat 92 Steve West 73
    HK Cricket Club Neil Soo 66 Jason Lam 37
    Royal HK Yacht Club Julian Ragless 32 Alex Barmont 38
    Utd Services Rec.Club Tony Yip 39 Fung Ji Yang 54

    Team Name Player 3 (Kit Pts) Total Pts Player 4 (Kit Pts) Total Pts
    Hill Dickinson Swingers Brian MacDougall 51 Graham Mountford 92
    Blade Revolution Phil Head 108 Carmen Lee 70
    HKFC Vice Squad Obadiah So 46 Stuart Gates 74
    American Club Raymond Or 64 Richard Chiu 44
    HK Squash Gear Arthur Law 94 Anthony Lau 68
    SJP Spankers Jason Waldie 60 Christian Hibberd 42
    HKFC Captains Select Tim Calder 85 Will Chapman 55
    HK Cricket Club Victor Arredondo 30 Peter Chan 98
    Royal HK Yacht Club Romain Chatte 42 John Knight 40
    Utd Services Rec.Club Jay Bidal 35 Adco Leung 70

    Team Name Player 5 (Kit Pts) Total Pts Player 6 (Kit Pts) Total Pts
    Hill Dickinson Swingers Roland Weatherall 45 Sunesh Ladharam 55
    Blade Revolution Renee Wu 87 Hailey Wong 141
    HKFC Vice Squad Bharat Khanna 78 Krzysztof Kostienko 29
    American Club Patrick Wang 64 James Assersohn 72
    HK Squash Gear Paige Hill 75 Adrian Ng 117
    SJP Spankers Jonno Barton 45 Teddy Pun 87
    HKFC Captains Select Julian Tanner 92 Eli Bitan 35
    HK Cricket Club Stephane Macresy 89 Nick Brooks 36
    Royal HK Yacht Club Gary McAuslan 43 Rene Theil 92
    Utd Services Rec.Club Wilfred Lai 59 James Webb 40

    Team Name Player 7 (Kit Pts) Total Pts Player 8 (Kit Pts) Total Pts
    Hill Dickinson Swingers Tom Tang 114 Tom Moore 37
    Blade Revolution Alex Busteed 43 Dan Ternes 105
    HKFC Vice Squad Sam Brown 96 Navia Zhang 113
    American Club Marc Hubert 14 Andrew Levy 68
    HK Squash Gear Charles Li 119 Christine Chan 55
    SJP Spankers Vikram Lulla 78 Steve Gollop 104
    HKFC Captains Select Emma Duncombe 55 Channi Matharu 42
    HK Cricket Club Raphael Macresy 83 Wilson Man 88
    Royal HK Yacht Club Max Armbruster 42 Juan Otero 40
    Utd Services Rec.Club Kermit Yuen 69 Amos Yuen 52

    Team Name Player 9 (Kit Pts) Total Pts Player 10 (Kit Pts) Total Pts
    Hill Dickinson Swingers Damien Laracy 110 Tim Sze 71
    Blade Revolution Gareth James 111 Dave Jessop 81
    HKFC Vice Squad Kaja Cheng 38 Ruby Wong 89
    American Club Nalin Bhargava 34 Kendall Johnson 37
    HK Squash Gear Stephanie 32 John Jenson 54
    SJP Spankers Jasmine Tan 50 Nikolaj Schultz 62
    HKFC Captains Select Emma Duncombe 72 Phil Chau 104
    HK Cricket Club Steve Ellis 80 Adrien Macresy 76
    Royal HK Yacht Club Coco Cheung 141 Nadia Munoz 42
    Utd Services Rec.Club Christian Daigneault 35 Raj Mirapuri 84

    Full Results

    Position Team No. of kits Raised
    1 SJP Spankers 826 $24,988
    2 Hill Dickinson Swingers 756 $11,800
    3 Blade Revolution 733 $54,962
    4 HK Cricket Club 705 $33,600
    5 HKFC Captains Sel 694 $22,900
    6 Blade Revolution 693 $10,500
    7 HK Squash Gear 683 $28,500
    8 HKFC Vice Squad 552 $15,050
    9 Royal HK Yacht Cl 537 $15,828
    10 HKFC Captains Sel 517 $10,500

    Top Point Scorers

    Position Name Team Points
    1 Carlos Cornes SJP Spankers 119
    2 Gillem Tulloch Hill Dickinson Swingers 96
    3 Phil Head Blade Revolution 108
    4 Peter Chan HK Cricket Club 98
    5 Julian Tanner HKFC Captains Sel 92
    6 Hailey Wong Blade Revolution 141
    7 Charles Li HK Squash Gear 119
    8 Navia Zhang HKFC Vice Squad 113
    9 Coco Cheung Royal HK Yacht Cl 141
    10 Phil Chau HKFC Captains Sel 104

    Top Fund Raisers Donations
    SJP Spankers HK$54,962 Raised by Teams HK$228,628
    HKFC Captains Sel HK$33,600 Phil's Marathon Coaching HK$15,400
    HK Cricket Club HK$28,500 Radar Gun & Silent Auction HK$9,270